Note: Copy this file to any file name you want to (except SUBMIT.TXT), edit it with a text editor or word processor, and write your review. Make sure you save it as an ASCII file. When you are done with your review, send it to us using one of the following methods: EMAIL it CompuServe 70632,1177 EMAIL it to Prodigy FSWM11A UPLOAD it to our personal BBS (505) 275-9697 (multiple reviews in one ZIP file is fine) MAIL it to us on a floppy disk (and any other reviews you write) * * * PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION ABOUT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS YOU HAVE AGREED TO BY SUBMITTING REVIEWS TO US. WE DON'T WANT ANY NO FUTURE MISUNDERSTANDINGS ABOUT THE REVIEWS YOU SUBMIT TO US. Briefly stated, you give up all rights to the review, ImagiSOFT becomes the owner, we can make changes, we don't have to include it in MOVIES TO GO!, and you won't be paid for your work. You will, however, have your name attached to the review, and your picture displayed if 10 or more of your reviews are accepted. We will delete any and all of your reviews at your request. * * * Submitted by Name: Address: City, State and Zip: Phone: Prodigy or Compuserve ID number: Movie Title: Year Released: (We will research the rest of the information, director, actors, etc.) Choose up to 3 categories: Drama Comedy Intrigue War Western Classic Action Adventure Animated Children Suspense Crime Family Fantasy Fitness Foreign Historical Horror Biography Musical Mystery Romance Sci-Fi Sports Documentary Note: the @ characters below signify a tab position. If you want to start a new paragraph, begin it with an @3. Please don't remove the @0 characters below. @0 Setting: @0 Main Characters: @0 Contains @0 Screenplay by @0 Based on the book by @0 Music: @0 Songs include @0 Special Categories: @0 @0 Start your review here . . . take 5 - 50 lines @0 @40 -- Write your name here (Do it EXACTLY the same way each time)